Monday, April 18, 2011


So, I haven't posted in a couple weeks! Been so busy and haven't had time to blog. I've missed it! I was just sitting here trying to find songs for dramas for The Basement and Crowned. I came across a song and there was a phrase in it that really spoke to me. This simple phrase turned into a something so much more. I thought I'd share.

"He's scared of the light that's inside of her so he tries to keep her in the dark.. Do you know that there's a way out? You don't have to be held down"

The enemy wants nothing more than to see you in the dark, because he knows YOU can be the light of the world for God. He wants you hurting. He wants your world to fall apart. He wants you to be insecure. He wants you to feel guilty. He wants you to think you have no self worth. He wants you to hate life. But, there is hope. God. God wants the complete opposite for us. He wants to give us a satisfying life if we'll just place it in His hands. He can change your life forever. No sin can seperate you from the love of Christ. You don't have to let the devil control your world, GOD is bigger than that. You have a plan and a purpose in life. Quit trying to hide from life, embrace it. Let go, and let God!! Break free, let that light shine!!

That phrase brought this verse to mind: John 10:10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

I hope this speak life into to someone. I couldn't go to sleep without sharing.

There's a way out,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Princess Warrior - Courage to Change

Just reading through a little devotional book of mine and I thought I'd share what I was reading. It's a book called His Princess Warrior.

My Princess Warrior,
I gave My life at the cross for you to have a better life, My beloved. But only you can make the choice to become all I have called you to be. Nothing with change without your effort and obedience to My Word. Your choice to let go of your old life and cling to the new life I offer will become the key to your freedom. You will find something far greater than temporary pleasure; you with find everlasting joy, unshakable peace, and renewed passion. This change will not only affect you but will also make an everlasting impact on those you love.

You King, you Courage

Isaiah 55:6-7
Seek the Lord while you can find him.
Call on him now while he is near.
Let the wicked change their ways
and banish the very thought
of doing wrong.
Let them turn to the Lord that
he may have mercy on them.
Yes, turn to our God, for he
will forgive generously.

:) It's our choice to give Him our life.. He paid for ours in full.. He can take you and make you brand new.. what's holding you back?? have you made that choice??

Monday, April 4, 2011

James 1:2-4

I love you mom :) Thanks for everything!

Today is my off day :) I woke up to my mom at my front door. She brought me some food and drinks for my apartment. I have the flu so she came to take care of her baby. Yes, I am 21 but I still milk being the youngest in the fam for all it's worth. She's so sweet!! I am so blessed to have her in my life. I'm just laying around today resting and listening to some worship music.. So relaxing..

James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

I love this verse :) You're not alone, God is always watching out for you! Let Him be your strength in times of troubles. He will carry you through.

Nap time for me.. I'll be posting again later tonight!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

So, I decided to start blogging!

:) So, I've started this blog to share my testimony, thoughts, goals, dreams, verses, struggles and much more. God has completely changed my life over the past few years so bare with me, this may be a long post. Here it goes. My dad passed away when I was in 8th grade from cancer. It was very unexpected and tore my family to pieces. I became very unhappy with God and life. I went into highschool the next year and began to party, find love by giving myself away, and lose all respect for myself. I lived my life to fit in and be popular. I had it all.. boys, drinking, drugs, parties, friends, sports, money, etc. But, I still wasn't satisfied with the life I was livin, something just didn't feel right. I seemed to have a hole in my heart that I couldn't fill up. I was on spring break of 2008 (my senior year) with a bunch of friends partying my life away. I was on the beach one day and some guys came over and asked us if we wanted to play volleyball. So, of course, I popped up and ran to play with them. Little did I know, it was Matt Pitt, Justin Standridge, and all the guys from The Basement. I could tell there was something different about them, they had this joy I'd never seen before. They weren't flirting, drinking or anything. But, they were having the time of their lives. I wanted what they had, but was so scared to let go of my worldly life that I was living. I always knew there was something better out there, I was just so angry and hurt I didn't want it. Come to find out, they were speaking at my school for prom a month after spring break. They came, and I spoke with them once again. Such nice amazing men of God trying to help high school students out, but still didn't want anything to do with The Basement or changing my life. I wasn't ready to let go, and let God take control of my life. A few months went by and I hit rock bottom over the summer. I was partying every night, losing more and more respect for myself and still trying to fill that hole in my heart. Relationships got deeper and deeper because I just wasn't satisfied so I kept searching and searching for me. I'd fill the void in my heart with a boy, drinking, party, etc.. But, the next morning I was empty again.Towards the end of the summer I was sitting at my house one night and got random text from a girl that lived down the street from me. We weren't friends, we had just exchanged numbers because we lived in the same neighborhood. We had never said much to each other, but thank God she text me. She asked me if I wanted to go to The Basement. I once again was so scared to go. Thought I'd be judged for the life I was living. So, that following tuesday she picked me up and took me. WOW. I can't even explain it. The second I walked in people excepted me for who I was. There was so much love in that place, it was overwhelming. Matt spoke on "The Day You Die." It shook me. I learned that God loves me for who I am, that He will always be there for me, that I can be made pure again, that everything happens for a reason, that He washes all my sins away and makes me a brand new creation and much more. That night, I gave my full heart to Jesus and it was filled. Life will never be perfect and struggles come, but I know now that I will be spending eternity in heaven. I can't explain how fullfilling it is to live for God. Knowing I'm not perfect, just forgiven! :) That's all for today.. I will begin to share more with yall and put verses up. Excited to see what God does through this page.

God Is Love,
 God used him to change my life forever.
 His prayers and encouragement saved my life.
 Her text message forever changed my life. Thank you so much Shan.
Kayla, thanks for taking me under your wing :)